Honey Jar Business Card

Below are the honey jar labels I designed as a kind of business card. Instead of leaving an actual business card with potential sponsors he could given them a jar of his own “100% homegrown Jozi Honey”, with his details and such on the bottle.

The label would be printed on a clear vinyl sticker, 65mm x 130mm, it will wrap around the bottle but the delicious honey would still be visible inside.

I will print out the label to make sure it fits the generic honey jars Ivan uses to bottle his honey.


Honey Jar_Lable_1

(note: The personal details on this label are fictitious)

BeeHaven Honey Jar_Mockup

Mock up credit: Dmitriy Markov (29 March 2015)

Completed Brochure Design

I have just completed the brochure design. I based it on the same style as the booklet and used the same visual elements, such as the pattern, basic grid and typeface.

I designed it so that each panel is a perfect square and two brochures can be printed on a single A3 page.

I will suggest that the brochure is printed on 180gsm matt paper, although a semi-gloss paper will also look fine.

I think I should do a test print of the booklet and brochure to see that all the elements are working alright. Hopefully my home printer will not mess it up too badly.



Final BeeHaven Booklet Design

I am finally done with the booklet design – yay!

I have made all the revisions and added content which Ivan asked for, such as: adding a cut-away view of the hive, a section of how to catch a swarm of bees as well as some changes to the content of the honey and beeswax harvesting section.

The final PDF document has colour bars, crop marks and a 3mm bleed.

I will suggest to Ivan that he prints the booklets on 120gsm matt paper.


Final BeeHaven Booklet_Upload_blog.png


The guide book has taken up most of my time, but the end is insight!

I have 2 more double page spreads to go before I can move on to polishing the overall design of the booklet and then, hopefully, I can start with the in-store advertising and the presentation template for Ivan.


DIY Honey Harvesting


Credit: way22good1      published: 19 Aug 2013 on YouTube

Interesting DIY video tutorial on how to harvest honey the “cheap and easy way”.  DIY methods are really important as beekeeping equipment is ridiculously expensive and the majority of BeeHaven’s target market do not have the means to busy pricey equipment.



Credit: mud songs beekeeping      published: 1 October 2011 on YouTube

Another great DIY tutorial video – BeeHaven hives use top bars in the temporary hive and foundation-less frames in the permanent hives, so this is similar to how honey would be harvested with the BeeHaven hives.

Progress Report

Beegin illustration _type2-01.png

I have spend much of this last week working on the booklet design as well as the illustrations and content to accompany it.

I must say, I completely underestimated the amount of time and effort required to produce a design I am happy to present to my client.

So far I have established an acceptable illustration style and layout for the booklet, although I am second guessing my choices. I will continue with what I have and hopefully improve on the design as I go.

Final Logo BeeHaven Design

Final BeeHaven Logo Screenshot

The BeeHaven logo design has been finalised, although I do need to get confirmation from Ivan that we will be using the name BeeHaven (as in a safe place for bees) rather than BeeGin, which is problematic as it is read as: Bee & Gin.

The final design is based on the unique features of the hives deisgn and structure.

The hives are constructed using practical materials, concrete and cardboard, the hives also have grooves in the structure reflective of the interlocking hexagonal shapes found in hives.

I have considered this in the logo design, the grooves are reflected as well as the solid and industrial feel of the hives. The angled lines are suggestive of a roof while a hexagonal based reflects honey combs. Helvetica Neue has been used in two weights, the typeface is beautifully structured and clean and compliments the logo style and brand identity.

Initial Logo Designs

Initial Beegin Logos

Worked on quite a few logo designs but none of them felt quite right and did not effectively depict Ivan’s hives or the overall feel of the brand.

I eventually chose to focus on what makes the BeeHaven hives unique… and so attempted to capture the look and feel of the hive designs in the logo.

Stylistic References

Stylistic Referenes_BeeHaven.png

  1. Killer Bees Playing Cards – Backbone Branding & Stephan Azaryan (https://www.behance.net/gallery/31413413/Killer-Bees-Playing-Cards)
  2. BEELoved Honey – Tamara Mihajlovic & Njegos Lakic Tajsio (https://www.behance.net/gallery/7297839/BEEloved-honey)
  3. 99U Conference Branding – R Brandon, JK Glei & M Corea (https://www.behance.net/gallery/99U-Conference-Branding-Collateral-2013/8906395)
  4. Wild Honey Packaging – Yinsersi Gonzales (https://www.behance.net/gallery/31286521/Wild-Honey-Honey-Packaging)
  5. Kyekyong Editorial – Eunsun Park (https://www.behance.net/gallery/17129207/Kyekyong-Editorial)