Final Logo BeeHaven Design

Final BeeHaven Logo Screenshot

The BeeHaven logo design has been finalised, although I do need to get confirmation from Ivan that we will be using the name BeeHaven (as in a safe place for bees) rather than BeeGin, which is problematic as it is read as: Bee & Gin.

The final design is based on the unique features of the hives deisgn and structure.

The hives are constructed using practical materials, concrete and cardboard, the hives also have grooves in the structure reflective of the interlocking hexagonal shapes found in hives.

I have considered this in the logo design, the grooves are reflected as well as the solid and industrial feel of the hives. The angled lines are suggestive of a roof while a hexagonal based reflects honey combs. Helvetica Neue has been used in two weights, the typeface is beautifully structured and clean and compliments the logo style and brand identity.